Bestselling series Luke and Lottie celebrate the fall season!
"Great book explaining the word "hibernating" in very simple words and illustrations for very young children. Very colorful illustrations Children will relate to this story about the season of autumn where they can easily participate in its glory outside, too. This is definitely a child's playbook for toddlers especially." - ITEEA
"Fall is Here! This adventure with Luke & Lottie is fun and exciting for young readers. Ruth Wielockx tells a charming story with room for discussions and learning. The book is beautifully illustrated as well. " - Mile Long TBR
"This is a great children's book! Its great for a fall read aloud. The pictures are simple but detailed. The story is a great introduction to fall." - Jessica Holman (educator)
"I love the this book! The story is wonderful for littles and preschoolers, but I have to tell you, even my eleven year old enjoyed it. The illustrations are perfect- warm, inviting and fun! Sure hope there are more books like this from the author and illustrator." - Usborne Independent