Restatement of Labour Law in Europe represents the first comprehensive and detailed analysis and comparison of dismissal protection law in 36 countries, including all the Member States of the European Union. Traditionally, the regulation of dismissal protection is at the very core of employment law. The rules that restrict the employer's power to unilaterally terminate the employment relationship are of great importance not only for academics, but also for social partners and practitioners.
As a result of an ambitious scientific project carried out by the European Labour Law Network, composed by leading academics, the book represents a unique tool to find accurate and up-to-date information about dismissal regulation in 36 countries - covering issues that range from the grounds that justify dismissal, the procedural and formal requirements to the legal consequences of a lawful or unlawful dismissal - and make use of an extensive comparative overview of the common features that the involved countries present. This book aims to synthesise the findings, representing the legal core of dismissal protection in Europe.