La iglesia está enfrentando su mayor crisis -y su mayor oportunidad- en este mundo post-moderno y post-cristiano. Dios está invitando a «personas imperfectas» de espíritu curioso a aliarse a su iglesia... pero, ¿cómo las estamos recibiendo? Este libro lo ayudará a destruir las cinco grandes barreras que existen entre las generaciones emergentes y su iglesia, creando la culturaadecuada. Contiene desde historias reales de personas que estuvieron lejos deDios, hasta ideas prácticas que aplican a cualquier iglesia.
The church is facing its greatest challenge -- and its greatest opportunity -- in our post-modern, post-Christian world. God is drawing thousands of spiritually curious 'imperfect people' to become his church -- but, how are we doing at welcoming them? This book shows you how to deconstruct the five main barriers standing between emerging generations and your church by creating the right culture. The book offers inspiring stories of real people once far from God and practical ideas that can be applied in any church.