This book introduces the concepts and practical tools necessary to understand the behavior of biological macromolecules at a quantitative level, going beyond theory to explain in detail how the equations are applied to the analysis of experimental measurements. An emphasis on real-world applications is a continued throughout the book.
"Presents both the concepts and equations associated with statistical thermodynamics in a unique way that is at visual, intuitive, and rigorous. This approach will greatly benefit students at all levels." -Vijay S. Pande, Henry Dreyfus Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University
"a masterful tour de force?. Barrick's rigor and scholarship come through in every chapter. The focus on biomolecules combined with the detailed demonstrations of how concepts apply to practical aspects of biophysics make this a truly unique contribution. Everyone, from the purported expert to the true novice will gain immensely from this carefully crafted, well motivated, and deeply thought out contribution. This book should live on all of our bookshelves and be consulted routinely as a quick reference or as material for in depth study and training."?-Rohit V. Pappu, Edwin H. Murty Professor of Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis
"The author has created an impressive text that addresses a glaring gap in the teaching of physical chemistry, being specifically focused on biologically-relevant systems along with a practical focus. It starts by bringing students up to speed on probability theory, multi-variate calculus and data fitting, the necessary tools for tackling the advanced topics covered in the remaining dozen chapters and for conducting rigorous interdisciplinary research?. the ample problems and tutorials throughout are much appreciated." -Tobin R. Sosnick, Professor and Chair, Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago