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Operating Ratio Report (Research, ASAE)
Operating Ratio Report
Autor Research, ASAE
Verlag Association Management Press,U.S.
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2012
Seiten 275 S.
Artikelnummer 23357657
ISBN 978-0-88034-351-0
Sonstiges Professional & Vocational
CHF 475.00
Nicht (mehr) im Sortiment/Besorgung möglich

Are you serious about evaluating and improving your organization's operations? Get the desktop reference for benchmarking financial and operational performance: the fully updated Operating Ratio Report. This valuable report contains income, expense, and balance sheet data; data organised by budget size, tax status, membership type, industry sector, geographic scope, and major metropolitan area; and a detailed executive summary designed to put the survey results into perspective.